Nevertheless, the designer teased circles out of the otherwise unwieldly building blocks. The circular walls of of Kumpla shouldn't exist, because the game is built on straight lines. I just loved looking at what people can do with the tools at hand.
Some of these are only possible with a few funds embezzled, but I've not punished the creators for that. I've had a quick scour of the Workshop, and found some dramatically designed and detailed detainers. A fairly recent update allows players to share their own gaols, and as I suspected there have been piles of interesting lock-ups uploaded. But I don't need to be good, as other people are aiding and abetting me with their work on the Steam Workshop.
To be honest, I've no idea why they even asked me to build one. My attempts to create criminal corrals have been more poorridge than porridge, more clunk than clink, all fail and no jail. Be off with you, and may Gabe have mercy on your soul.' Then we'll shoot you or drown you or something. As punishment, you are to spend the morning looking at the Steam Workshop, finding lovely prisons that you can compare your weedy efforts to. A most serious offense that resulted in a record number of convicted felons escape your shoddily designed hole. Craig 'Thomas' Pearson, you have been found guilty of being a rubbish Prison Architect. *Gavel thumps* 'Silence! Bring the prisoner forward.